OpenIDEO puts the power of human-centered design in the hands of many.
DT Mindsets, Methods, and Case Studies
Definition and Principles of Insight
Finding Insights after Interviews
"Noticing and reflecting through the process allows designers to redesign themselves as equity-centered. These new designers emerge self-aware of their identity, beliefs, biases and values."
Detailed information about the empathize stage
Detailed information about the ideate stage
Detailed information about the prototype and test stages
Lab that collaborates with schools and companies for projects
Students tackle hard problems and develop the confidence and grit to tackle any challenge that comes their way.
Database of different DT programs around the world (IDEO & K12 Lab Network at
Institute of Design at Standford's crash course for DT
Twitter hashtag feed of Design Thinking in K12
100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions
A Practitioner's Guide to User Research
Jon Kolko’s three strategies for making ideas flow fast, after you’ve done your homework.
What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering?
IDEO is expanding the power of design thinking by helping organizations to scale and sustain empathy.
How to Uncover Compelling Insights
16 Interview Tips
"At the end of the day, words and ideas presented in a way that engages listeners' emotions are what carry stories. It is this oral tradition that lies at the center of our ability to motivate, sell, inspire, engage, and lead."
"Sound expert Julian Treasure gives some practical tips on how to speak powerfully and with empathy." - IDEO U
"In this TED Talk, you'll hear from Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love. As you watch, pay special attention to her tone, voice, and delivery. How does tone help her entertain, welcome, and inspire her audience?" - IDEO U
"IDEO storytellers Zena Barakat and Brian Janosch talk about the importance of stories in the world of business and innovation." - IDEO U
"Here's the Ira Glass talk Jenn referred to in the last video of the lesson. As you watch, consider how anecdote and reflection interact and make for a more impactful story." - IDEO U
"Want more on what makes for a good versus a bad presentation? Check out this tour de force on how to make a strong personal connection with your audience and motivate them to take action." - IDEO U
Crucial for leaders
What about podcasts? "How does this medium communicate through narrative? How does Radiolab use audio to its best advantage to explore a timeless question: Are humans inherently good?" - IDEO U
"A picture really is worth a thousand words. In this photo series , you'll follow an elderly man through his final days. How does the visual medium tell an emotional story?" - IDEO U
"As a student in Storytelling for Influence, Jen used the feedback from her peers and coaches to shape her story and develop her central idea. She pushed herself to be vulnerable (even when it felt uncomfortable) and to empathize with her audience and created a story that led her to the TEDx stage." - IDEO U
"This article shares seven questions to ask yourself when crafting your presentation to make sure you stay grounded in what really matters to your audience." - IDEO U
"Struggle to give honest feedback to your colleagues after a presentation? Try these three key points to structure your conversation (or put them to use as you give feedback to peers in the course!)." - IDEO U
"Jenn shared this out over an IDEO-all email to showcase another effective storytelling medium. How does the graphic novel format speak to you?" - IDEO U
"In this TED Talk, Brene Brown explores vulnerability, shame, and human connection. As you watch, consider what about this storytelling medium strikes an emotional chord." - IDEO U