Project-based learning is an approach that is well suited for Transdisciplinary Pedagogy. According to the Buck Institute of Education for Education (BIE), project-based learning is a “teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.” The method is centered around a meaningful and intriguing driving question that is based on a real-world task, concern, interest, or issue in the students’ lives.
To answer this open-ended and challenging question, students need to gain key knowledge, understanding and skills that are connected to standards-based content and instructional goals. Students also engage in sustained inquiry where they continually ask questions, find quality resources, and apply the skills and knowledge they gain through their investigations. Students have a voice and choice in how and what they create for their project. The project also involves students reflecting on their learning, and giving, receiving, and using feedback to improve on what they create, and making their work public so that people outside of the school can see it.